Become an officer

Join the gang! Each term the nation looks for students wanting to become active in our daily activities. As an office you will learn a lot of new things, challenge yourself in a new environment, but most importantly – make friends for life!

Officer positions are decided on by the nationssammankomst – which is a meeting held by the nation three times per term. During this meeting an applicant will give a brief presentation about themselves and about why they are applying for the specific officer position. If you have any questions, or are curious about any officer positions you can always contact the head of the ämbetsvalberedningen

LIST of all officer positions at the nation

Arkivarie, is responsible for the nations’ archive.

Bibliotekarie, is responsible for the nation’s library.

Chefredaktör, plans, coordinates, and edits the nations’ newspaper Västgöta correspången.

Damkörsföreståndare, coordinates the activities of the ladies choir.

Fanbärare, carries the nation’s banner at nation and university events. Cares for the nation flag and the Swedish flag.

Fotograf, takes photos of the officers at the nation as well as the daily activities and dinners at the nation.

Föreningsnämndens ordförande, is responsible for the nation’s cultural events. Is also responsible for planning the entertainment at the dinners held at the nation.

Hembygdsföreståndare, is responsible for the relationship between the nation and hembygden.

Husmästare, fixes broken things and takes care of our house.

Idrottsföreståndare, arranges the nation’s sports activities.

Internationella sekreterare, is responsible for welcoming international students to the nation.

Jämlikhetsombud, works with equality questions at the nation.

Krönikör,  writes the nation’s column summarising year and reads it out loud during the May dinner.

Körföreståndare, coordinates the activities of the nation choir.

Layoutredaktör, responsible for the graphic design of the nation's newspaper Västgöta correspången.

Ljud- och ljusansvarig, is responsible for the sound- and light system at the nation.

Manskörsföreståndare, coordinates the activities of the men’s choir.

Marskalk, represents the nation during different events held at the nation and by the university during some occasions. The marsalk is also responsible for keeping order during the nations’ dinners.

Medieansvarig, responsible for Västgöta nation's social media.

Mikroskopförvaltare, cares for the nation’s microscope and other artifacts. Is meant to serve as an anachronistic influence at the nation. Is also responsible for acquiring a chrismas tree.

Miljöombud, is responsible for planning and working with environment-related questions and work at the nation.  

Nätmästare, is responsible for the nations website and helps with computer-related issues.  

Orkesterföreståndare, coordinates the activities of the orchestra.

Recentiorsvärd, is responsible for welcoming new students at the nation. They also organises the recce reception held by the nation at the start of each term.

Redaktör, plans, coordinates, and edits the nations’ newspaper Västgöta correspången under the lead of the chefsredaktör.

Reklamföreståndare, is responsible for the marketing of the nation among students.

Sekreterare, writes the protocol during the NSK meetings.

Spelmästare tillika brädspelsföreståndare, organizes events during the nations daily activities, for example quizzes and live performances. Is also responsible for the nation's board games.

Stipendiesekreterare, reviews and summarises applications for the nations scholarships.

Sånganförare, leads the song during the dinners held at the nation.  

Teaterföreståndare, works to keep the theatre group active.

Trädgårdsmästare, in charge of the work with the nation’s garden.

Ämbetsvalberedningens ordförande, is responsible for, along with the election board, nominating students for officer positions.

LIST of clubworker positions at the nation

Barmästare, is responsible for doing the weekly inventory of the beverages at the nation, and ensuring that the daily activities has the beverages needed. They also work during the dinners and släpps at the nation.

Biträdande sexmästare, is responsible for running the nations pub, and preparing the food during the dinners at the nation.

Fikavärd, is responsible for running the brunch at the nation.

Hovmästare, is responsible for planning and leading the serving staff during the restaurant activities.  

Klubbmästare, is responsible for planning and leading the serving staff during the dinners held at the nation. 

Köksmästare, is responsible for planning and leading the preparation of the food for the nations qasques and dinners.

Lunchvärd, is responsible for running the lunch at the nation.

Restaurangvärd, is responsible for running the restaurant at the nation.